The Association of the Savary Island Community (ASIC) is a dedicated committee representing the lovely community of Savary Island. ASIC aims to represent its members in dealings with government and other groups, provide advice to government agencies on managing the island’s services, push for local control over policies and how tax dollars are spent to meet community needs, and ensure that decisions reflect Savary’s entire community.
Help us maintain and protect our beautiful island! By becoming a member you can join one of our boards and stay up-to-date on the latest Savary developments.
Hey Savary Islanders and visitors, be a part of the Savary community’s culture of care for the ocean! Help us get plastic pollution off the beaches.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on July 6th between 10:00 am and Noon at the Hacienda. ASIC will be hosting a fund raiser concert once again this year between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on July 6th. We are pleased to announce that Savoury Soul has agreed to entertain us with their awesome music.
Please forward any motions that you would like to be considered by the membership at the AGM by the end of day, June 15th. All motions should be specific and worded in such a manner as to solicit a Yes or No vote. Please forward any motions using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
The ASIC board recently sent a letter to Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure concerning road maintenance on Savary Island. In 2017 the ASIC board undertook a full on site evaluation of the road system and presented a report to MOTI appealing for road maintenance reclassification. In May 2018, ASIC received a letter from MOTI that the maintained roads on Savary had been upgraded from 7F to 6F which required a higher level of maintenance.
ASIC purchased a boothe at the Lund Seafood Festival this year to provide information to visitors and have conversations with people from Lund and Powell River. It should not be a surprise that our biggest topic of discussion was around parking congestion during the busy summer season. I was particularly impacted by two kids from Lund who came to our boothe and told us how unsafe they feel walking by the road because vehicles are
REMINDER : Savary Island Firesmart Chipper Day
The qRD is offering this free Firesmart clean up and assessment again this year in June. Click the link below for full details and how to RSVP.
Hello Savary triathlon community,
We are pleased to announce that we are moving forward with a triathlon date of SUNDAY, JULY 21st for the 2024 triathlon!
Wayne Goodridge will be taking on the role of Race Director for this year and he is hoping to continue the amazing work done by Louise Harding over the past decade or so. More details will be coming forward soon so stay tuned and hope to see many of you at
ASIC sub-committees
VSAC – Visitor committee
Director: Joan Vollans
The Visitors Stewardship Advisory Committee’s mission is to understand the impact of increased usage of Savary Island and to identify opportunities to balance the needs of residents, visitors and environment.
Road committee
Director: Doug Dalzell
Our mandate is to continue working with the authorities and to apply pressure to ensure they understand and acknowledge our island’s needs and requirements. Additionally, it includes persuading the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to expedite these needs.
Fundraising committee
Director: Joan Vollans
This committee raises money to keep ASIC up and running.
Governance committee
Director: Doug Dalzell
Our mandate is to review the ASIC Constitution and conduct research to understand our current standing and potential future interactions with all government authorities.
Want to join a committee?
ASIC Documents
Road Report
Below you can find Savary’s latest road report titled “Savary Island: Appeal for Road Maintenance Reclassifications”:

Savary Island Beach Clean-up
Hey Savary Islanders and visitors, be a part of the Savary community’s culture of care for the ocean! Help us get plastic pollution off the beaches.
Here’s how:
- Know what marine debris is: it is human-made material that has landed on the beach with the tide. Common finds are expanded polystyrene foam (aka Styrofoam, broken away from docks), rope, tires, and items used in aquaculture such as plastic barrels, oyster trays, floats, buckets, and PVC pipe pieces. You may also find shoes, hats, plastic beach toys and other things lost in the water.
- Carry a beach cleaning bag with you on your beach walks and pick up marine debris. You can leave it at some trailheads in an oyster tray (formerly marine debris itself) marked “BEACH CLEAN UP.”
- If the item is too large or unwieldy for you to carry, please let me, Catherine Ostler, know what and where it is: 604-317-4492 or cathelos@gmail.com, or call the person named on the oyster basket in your neighbourhood.
The year-round beach clean-up is possible because of the infrastructure that volunteers have created to collect and manage the collected debris. Catherine Ostler of Fishing for Plastic coordinates volunteer trailhead stewards, and Paul Leighton and Ruth White of Savary Solutions host an ocean plastic depot on Savary. From here, the debris goes to the qathet Regional Ocean Plastic Depot, where it is added to other regionally collected debris and then delivered to the Ocean Legacy Foundation in Steveston for re-use and recycling.
Please support the volunteers–your neighbours–who are stewards, marine debris sorters, organizers, and drivers–by dropping only marine debris in these trays and by letting us know if you see a problem (contact info is on the trays). You can also help by letting anyone who doesn’t know that they must take non-marine recycling and personal garbage off island themselves.
Note: During the busy summer months, a few of the trailhead stewards may choose to remove the collection baskets if garbage is left in them. Please, absolutely no picnic garbage–leftover food and containers will attract rodents and are disgusting, maybe even a health hazard, for volunteers who pick up and sort the marine debris. Please also leave the debris loose and not in tied plastic bags so that we can sort it without fear of what we are going to find in the bag. If you packed it in, it is not marine debris, and you must pack it out (including your refundable cans).
Lots of people each doing a small part will add up to a cleaner Savary and Salish Sea than just a few people doing a lot. Thank you for being a part of our clean up culture and for helping to make Savary pristine!
Photos: trailhead oyster collection baskets
2024 Great Savary Island Beach Clean-up
Join one of our committees
If you want to help out and join on of our committees, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you.
Become an ASIC member
Become an ASIC member and help us maintain and protect our beautiful island!
As a member you will be kept up to date on important law and regulatory changes on Savary Island.